Janet Simmons Sweet Artist (Painting)
Studio 204
Alton Mill Arts Centre,
1402 Queen St
Alton (Caledon) Ontario
L7K 0C3
GTA (Toronto)
Saturday 12:00pm to 5:00pm weekly
By Chance or Appointment other business days (Wednesday to Sunday)
My artwork is an evolution of Romanticism and Impressionism. The two eras changed how art was conceived by injecting emotion, into what otherwise would have been a simple landscape. The use of dramatic light created mood reflecting the way the artist felt, rather than just what they saw. Light transforms the mundane to the spectacular.
Janet Simmons Sweet is a full time, award winning Artist working exclusively in oil on canvas. Her home base is Studio 204, Alton Mill Arts Centre, 12 months of the year. She is also an exhibiting Artist throughout the GTA in Public, Membership, and Private Galleries. Artworks found on the "Currently for Sale" page are often divided between her Studio and an offsite Gallery. Due to this element of her art, although she may be found by chance in Studio, an appointment is recommended to both ensure artworks of interest are in the Studio, and Janet will be on site to make them available for viewing. Please use the Contact page for this purpose.
The following are samples of her work selected by noted Jurors and exhibited in Galleries throughout the GTA
To purchase artworks please see Artwork Currently for Sale
Biography: Credentials and Recent Exhibit History
About Us: Information on Studio and Hours
Latest Artworks: New Artworks
Private Collections/Sold : Recent Artworks Sold to Private Collections
Upcoming Events: Outside Exhibits
Comments or questions, please feel free to contact me!